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    We are excited to welcome you to the KnitPro Website. We are proud of our company, our design and workmanship. Because we share your enjoyment of well made things, we would like to tell you a little bit about our products, our company and our philosophy.

    As a company known for its industrial capabilities, we have substantial background in the technology that goes into producing fine needles, hooks and accessories for the hand knitting and crochet market. As a result, we have been privileged to provide knitting and crochet tools to the European and international market for over 5 years. Our products are sold in over 45 countries worldwide and we have been recognized as the fastest growing brand in Europe in the field of knitting accessories.

    Our core belief at KnitPro is that the best way to satisfy our customers is to listen and learn from them. So, with the help of an international advisory panel of knitters and crocheters, we developed a range of needle styles and types that we are confident will meet and exceed the needs of all fiber artists, whatever their level of experience. In the days to come, we hope you will share your comments with us so that we can continue to grow and meet the standards of all knitters, and crochet enthusiasts.



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    KnitPro Cubics Natural strømpepinde str. 3 og 3½ mm
    Firkantede udskiftbare KnitPro Natural str. 6, 7 og 8 mm
    Knitpro Dreamz hæklepinde / hæklenåle sæt. Pinde str. 3½, 4, 4½, 5, 5½, 6, 6½ og 8 mm i gobelin taske
    Knitpro Dreamz strømpepinde sæt. Pinde str. 2½, 3, 3½, 4, 4½ og 5 mm i gobelin taske
    Knitpro Karbonz strømpepinde 20 cm - 2 mm
    KnitPro Lace blocking Wires
    Knitpro Magma Magneter til Opskriftholder - Hold styr på dit mønster
    Knitpro Magma Lille - Hold styr på dit mønster
    KnitPro CUBICS Natural - Brune FIRKANTEDE lag-finerede træpinde med sorte wirer
    KnitPro Symfonie Rundpinde - Tynde størrelser
    KnitPro Symfonie strømpepinde 15 og 20 cm
    Knitpro Symfonie Tunesisk hæklepind - 4 mm
    KnitPro Symfonie Udskiftbare strikkepinde 4½ - 15 mm
    Wirer til Knitpro's udskiftbare strikkepinde

    KnitPro Wirer

    28,00 kr.
    Wirer samlere til Knitpro udskiftbare strikkepinde
    Spoleapparat - Wool Winder fra KnitPro til nøstning af garn
    Rækketæller "Clicky" fra Knitpro med låsemekanisme - 10862
    Rækketæller "Clicky" fra Knitpro med låsemekanisme - 10860
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